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Don't just take our word for it, have a look at our success stories throughout all these years!

Wu Thorn
Overall, I'm not only physically improved but also mentally. All of these require hardwork, discipline, perseverance and also consistency. I've successfully decreased EIGHT.FIVE% of my body fat. Although it took me quite some time but slow progress is still a progress. To achieve results, you have to keep believing in yourself and trusting the progress."

Sim Gaik Lan
After joining HIIT360 for half year, I actually learn a lot. Joining not only help me to achieve my dream but actual help me to understand how to lead a healthy life style. Through the journey, I learn to be more discipline and determined in achieving my goal. It also help to build up my self confidence 😊. Lastly, I really want to thank Melvin for all the guidance, advice and the time spend in educating me. Arigato gozaimashita. I really appreciate it especially when he is willing to sacrifice his own time to provide extra training to us. Also thanks to all HIIT360 members who has also taught me a lot and all the fun we have together in the class. It is nice meeting a group of new friends. Now going to class has been so much fun and "song" "

Loong Siu
My main goal of joining HIIT360 program wasn’t to loose weight although many members successfully did. I needed a total workout that trains all my body including arms, butt, core, abs, cardio, and general fitness. I needed to keep my weight in check and body fat at a constant healthy percentage. I needed to keep my year-round abs in shape by allowing Melvin to “TORTURE” me with his killer Abs workout. I still hangout with my buddies drinking at bars occasionally (Hey, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!) but the workout helps me to burn off the extra calories from my cheat days and “Happy Hours”. I am now enjoying my balanced lifestyle more than ever before and not having to worry about how my social life would ruin my fitness regime! So, if you have been dreaming of getting the toned body and washboard six packs abs all these while, give HIIT360 a try. With the right attitude, discipline, determination and Melvin’s committed training regime and diet advice, I am sure it will be an eye-opening moment that you never thought possible."

Tracy Lee
Zumba Fitness
"I was overweight for my height and I just can't seem to loose any even with dieting my weight remain plateau. My friend invited me over to a Zumba event by Fit One....it was fun n immediately i sign up. They have very skilled, excellent, enthusiastic instructors whereby with good guidance & fun time with Zumba makes you feel motivated ,enjoy exercising & get to meet fun people. With Zumba not only able to burn 600-1000 calories in an hour, able to burn fat & maintain a healthy weight, build endurance &co-ordination. With exercise + with proper nutrition(meal supplement) I have managed to lose 12kg within a year. It also increase self-esteem & I feel fantastic.Thanks to all the instructors @fitone"

Diaana@Caradonna Salvia
Zumba Fitness
Zumba has given me more confidence and helped me love myself by making a new and healthier me! When I look in the mirror, when I done with my class and I am a bucket of sweat, I honestly think …wow….nowdays i smiles and laugh more than before.... i feeling younger and beautiful inside and out of me…age just a number! I was worth it. Thank you to all Zin at FIT ONE… Every single Zin brings their energy that not only motivates me but inspires the class that everyone can feel positive about themselves inside & out. Great instructors (Zin) and great role models. I will Continue to Zumba and will never stop shaking what I got! "

Seok Yean
I am proud that within one year period from February 2016 until now, I have dropped 15kg in body weight. My visceral fat dropped from 9.0 to 3.5, my body age from 67 to 52. Though I achieved my 11kg body fat target drop at one point during that period, I will continue to strive further for a better version of me. But most importantly I know I am getting stronger, more confident and healthier. I feel good about myself physically and mentally."

"Eating has been my biggest hobby since small. Not only do I eat when hungry, I eat when I am sad / happy or even bored. Eventually, this unhealthy eating habit has led to obesity. I ended up weighing over 123 kg at age of 19. Being that heavy created a huge impact on my life. I can’t run or walk fast, just like Po in Kung Fu Panda, climbing stairs are my biggest enemy. Therefore, I finally resolved to start my weight loss journey. I started to eat lesser and carry out light cardio training daily. After few months of eating less and hours of training in the gym, I begin to see results. However, my body starts to feel weaker and I feel myself losing motivation.
Then my sister introduced me to HIIT360 personal training program by FitOne. Initially, I resisted joining because I feel I can self train and attending training classes is just a waste of money. Finally, after much persuasion from my sister, I agree to give it a try. During my first trial class, I can barely complete the circuit training and my muscles feel very sore. However, I was captivated by each workout section that is well-designed by our Sifu, Melvin Lee. It also provided me the challenge and capture my interest in a way that training in the gym never does.
I look forward to my twice weekly workout class with much enthusiasm. Beside Melvin's close supervision and guidance during training class, his constant encouragement kept me highly motivated as well. He is always reminding us on our food intake and values of good food nutrition. I become more picky on my food intake and this has led me to start preparing my own meal. I keep searching for healthy recipes to try as I understand that “You Are What You Eat”. After attempting HIIT360, my physical and fitness awareness have improved tremendously.
I have great fun joining in the 'additional' outdoor training every Sunday provided selflessly by Melvin on what is supposed to be his only rest day. He made the outdoors training very interesting and fun for all our team members. This has helped developed my interest in running, cycling, hiking, obstacles race and swimming. Melvin is always encouraging us to join race events. He readily help us train and prepare for it together. Since joining Fit One, I have successfully completed several marathons, Powerman, Pgitd, Spartan and am looking forward to many other events to come. I really feel a great sense of fulfillment and accomplishment with every hard earned medals I gathered.
Inadvertently, my hobby has switched from eating to sports. I've lost 8.4kg of body fat since joining and my body fat percentage dropped from 22.2% to 17.8%. No words can convey my gratitude to Melvin for guiding me not only to achieve a better physique and healthier lifestyle but become more active in sports too. Also thanks to my training teammates for the countless encouragement and fun we had together. I will continue to train even harder and smarter to face future challenges. With the help of HIIT360 program, attaining my own perfect beach body will no longer be just a dream but a reality!"

People say slimming is like pregnant. The first three months are important, be careful to gu good.. see effect after three months, nine months to see results.. I've been in ten months, the result is thin down 16 kg.. though distance My goal is still a little distance, but I have a sense of achievement too.. After joining hiit360 training, I really changed a lot: First, eating habits Second, mode of movement Third, physical training has been strengthened. Fourth, to re-understand the importance of health Fifth, better understand your body quality
Of course, to eat healthy is to pay more time and mind to prepare daily food. Every day uninterrupted and repeated buying dishes, washing dishes, cutting dishes and cooking dishes.. I never thought I could hold on with that endurance. Here, I also recognize many friends from different fields and age levels - most of whom are in the same way as a healthy and quality lifestyle. Everyone is full of energy and energy and very happy to join this family.. Although it is hard to be in class every time, everyone ends in a boisterous and joyous atmosphere.. Thanks again to my mentor Melvin for his patience and encouragement to the students.. I would also like to thank myself for all my efforts and efforts to achieve today's achievements.. No poison can kill positive thinker No medicine can cure negative thinker!!!""

Khai Ling
My decision made for joining HIIT360 worth so much that I never looked back since. I am looking forward to add in my achieve milestone chart for next level and more fitness challenges …
Last but not least, I take this opportunity to thanks my Sifu for his great guidance, sharing and motivation that has created a healthier me today. Lastly, also to thanks my fellow teammates for great sharing and support to keep me moving on with no regrets. Cheers! "A fit, healthy body-- that is the best fashion statement." By Jess c scott.

Sky Tan
"The main purpose I'm joining HIIT360 is due to my health issue and appearance problem. As previous i tried many way to slim down myself but unsuccessful, it get me feel frustrated. All the while, I'm suffering of back/knee pain and the heavy body weight cause this pain getting worst, it has even starting to affect my daily routine and body movement. I'm a salesman and my job needs me to stand for a long time. Hence, this makes my pain getting worsen. But after joining this workout, i totally can feel the difference. My back/knee pain is getting better and better from now and i feel much more confidence on my appearance and my style to meet the customer, can even move faster in my action and activities now. I feel so relief.
Without the highly recommendation from my lovely sister, Janet Tan and encouragement from my PT, Melvin, i cant imagine what will i be today. HIIT360 gave me so much fun and good workout experience, from here i gain the knowledge about what and how to take a proper and healthy daily food intake and information of the activities/training to improve my health condition, i learn to be more discipline and determined. I have dropped total 24kg of weight since I started slightly more than a year ago, I will never stop and continue to achieve my target body weight of 60kg. Here, i would like to take this opportunity to thank all of them for supporting me all way long and giving me a chance to see a NEW me. Better vision of ME make me feel awesome."

"The word "FAT" never come across my dictionary until one day when I was unable to fit into my trouser. I measured my waist line and guess what? It has increased to 32 inches. Gosh, what a nightmare!!! I then started to go for some normal exercise but the result was not obvious enough.
This is when Lye Lye approached me and introduced me to HIIT360 @Fit One and meet Melvin (a big thank you Lye Lye).I had my first lesson for trial and I realized that I can no longer waste my time. I have to CHANGE!!! With Melvin's guidance, I felt the improvement in terms of stamina, strength and also on the importance of dieting,right food and the right amount of food to be taken at the right time.
As food lover, it is really a big challenge and torturing for me. However, I choose to change as I deeply understand that I have to take my first move by changing my lifestyle if I wish to have a better life. My result of all the hard work was good and the feeling which I had from my weight loss was really great. Although, I receive negative comments but at the same time, I also receive positive one time to time. I achieved a better appearance with good health. Thus, I even completed my first Half Marathon with an excellent result which I never thought I could ever make it.
A heartfelt thank you to Sifu and all my teammates for all the supports. They were there to push me through all the hard time and lead me to do my best especially in those time when I was about to give up.
At every turning, you wish to reach the potential in me and even to exceed the expectations beyond what I can do. That was the moment when I was close to the breaking point, close in quitting and to waste all my efforts. I was lucky that you were there to pick me up, offering me wise advises, moral support and valuable lessons during those moments and I am thankful for it."

We are not a gym with fancy machines yet we have our unique training method to help people achieve their dream body effectively. From sedentary people to competitive athletes.
Motivation is what gets you started ...Habit is what keeps you going ...Attitude is what makes you succeed! This is the journey one of Penang's top basketball player ...he has dropped 11kilo to reach his stage-1 ...check it out....
"因为我是运动员,在这几年我在我喜爱的运动中的表现和体力都完全下滑中。巅峰期,我的体重曾经到达 100公斤。直到去年,我的身型,体能到了我自己也不能接受的地步。
后来参加了melvin的boot camp,发现我还蛮喜欢这样的运动方式,于是我就join了他HIIT 360的课。
我真的很感谢师父melvin ,没有他的正确饮食和严厉的教导,我的体能也不能这么快建立起来。而在这个过程中,因为正确的饮食和有正确规律的运动,我得到的不只是更健康,我也慢慢的瘦下来了。这可是我意想不到的事!所以减肥其实不用很痛苦的,也能在享受的过程中得到更多。
还有我也要谢谢我的老板mr chong, 没有他给我的信心,我也不会努力坚持做到现在!

Wendy Keh
"I was once an obese in my life. Looking back to my old body shape, I was amazed how I can allow myself to gain such body size and wearing a size of XXL. I have always thought slimming down is an ‘’Impossible Mission’’, especially with my obese family history. Even my doctor also told me to just maintain my sizes will do because I cannot slim down any further. I choose not to believe. I started to diet, exercise, weight lifting, participates in marathons, Zumba & aerobics classes and etc. I lost about 20kg in 12 months time.
I started to feel the benefit of weight loss. But my result was still not up to my own expectation. Thus, I increased my daily activities by attending extra classes and running. I went to gym & studio 7 days a week. I only go home after I get exhausted with my workout. I thought with my discipline of eating lesser coupled with extra exercises would help me to shed more weights and build up my strength. But as time goes by, I couldn’t see any progress. Even with all my dedicated efforts, I could not tone up my body. I was disappointed with the results. I got tired.
Until one day, a post from Fit One strikes me. I make up my mind that I cannot waste any more time with such nonsense. I need to find an expert to help me. Finally, I joined Melvin. With his training, I could feel the improvement on my physical, stamina and strength. Dieting is easy, but to understand when to eat, what to eat and how to eat correctly at the right timing need a lot of efforts. It becomes a challenging part to my life but I start to adapt to it even though I am still in the learning stage. I do receive negative thoughts and non-supportive comments from many people along the way. But now, I achieve a better appearance and a better me. My result shut them off.
All the credits go to my Sifu, Melvin. He is a dedicated and respectful trainer. He shows his leadership and is always a good trainer to his members. To me, he is passionate and committed as a trainer. He has given us a lot of positive influence toward healthy lifestyle. He sacrifices his personal time to train and to motivate us. Without his time and effort by providing us extra training, I wouldn’t have improve my timing during my last marathon. Without his encouragement and motivation, I wouldn’t achieve the fittest me today. Thank you, Sifu!
And NOT forgetting my ‘Be Happy Team Mates’, I would like to say thank you for being there along my journey. We always look forward to the ‘togetherness’ during our class every week. We work hard together, sweat together; laugh out loud together; have lots of fun & jokes together while we achieve our own target together. Together We Achieve More! Thank you and I love you all."

May Choo
" 我要减肥"是我每年的目标但这场抗战。。。屡战屡败。我们生活中总有那么多美食@诱惑。这对一个意志力薄弱又没自制能力的我来说简直是一件超级任务。 然而在2016年。。。从我开始加入Fit One这大家庭之后,哈哈。。我的目标终于明朗化了,身上储蓄了好多岁月的肥油已经慢慢在Melvin的督促之下竟然在我身上慢慢的流失了。无可厚非,除了运动之外,正确饮食与作息对我们来说真的非常重要。。以前的我总觉得少吃几餐就可以瘦下了,原来这都是错误的。。即使是睡眠不足也会导致肥胖,这都是在Melvin的解释之下才慢慢懂得。 当然除了师父之外身边的战友们也是非常的重要。。我们一起努力的在室内流下汗水和默默"流失"的肥油。。这八个月的岁月我 们并没有留白。。让我们继续努力的往我们的目标前进,奋斗。。减油。。肌肉。。我们来啦!!!"

Lye Lye
There are many people out there struggling to achieve their fitness goal. Top 3 biggest frustration by many are 1. Diet 2. Exercise 3. Information Overload.
We always thought we are doing the right thing but if you still look the same year after year something's wrong. The people featured here are living, breathing proof that we have the ability to change our bodies and our lives. They are a testament to the incredible power of hard work, belief and consistency. They are an inspiration to those who have yet started. Have a good read about his journey.
"It was indeed a wonderful surprise for me when Melvin informed me for photos snapping session in mid of June, such a shock but motivated news to me. I was never expecting this neither thinking that I am in this fitness level even I was dreaming for it very long time ago. Used to be I was in medium body shape but what made me very uncomfortable was :
* Having a “fat” waist like wearing a wheel with on my body, my “highest” record was 36 inch waist * Narrow shoulder * Flat chest * Broad butt
Making my overall body shape in such poor outlook. I had tried many ways including having a personal trainer in gym center but the results was not leaving up to my expectation till I join Fit-One and participating in HIIT training in Jan 2016.
Don’t get me wrong that I am trying to praise nor promote Melvin through this write up because many other students had done so and our results is the best evidence in proofing his professionalism. Apart from his effort and skill of training, the most important person to drive us in achieving the results is “OURSELF”, nobody can help us if we ourselves don’t want to help ourselves.
I would like to make use this as a sharing platform of my progress, feeling and learning in entire processes of re-shaping from “physically” and “mentally” perspectives which will be powerful and useful in my future life. Wishing that through this write up, it will illustrate how important our-self roles in achieving our target and objective, external elements are playing supporting roles only. We should always bear in mind “nothing is impossible”, it’s not a matter of can or can’t but a matter of want or don’t want.
From the context of “physical”, the best evidence is great improvement in my stamina. I managed to break my own records in my life of marathon running, I had completed 2 half marathon with less than 2 hours (Garmin Run and Penang Run) and less than 4 hours for a full marathon (Standard Chart Marathon) which I can never believe I could make it.
In entire processes, I have learnt that 2 key alphabets MUST be get prepared in our mind prior to our engagement in any plan that we want to drive forward in achieving our desired results – D & P …….WHY and HOW???
D can further developed 2 key words “Determination” and “Discipline” whereby P can be phrased into “Positive” and “Passion”. Let me further elaborate why these 4 words are so important in driving our plan :
“Determination” – We have to first set our own clear target and goal what we want ourselves to be in certain time frame. With this clear target, we have to firmly make up our mind, heart and thinking to drive all out regardless what is going to happen. I still remembered in my 2nd week of training lesson, Melvin did share with us the diet plan because purely depending on work-out, the results will not be significant. In order to make our body fit and healthy, diet is contributing 60% and work-out only taking 40%, with these 2 elements join together, we will able to see the best and fastest results. At that moment, I didn’t believe it because I don’t think I can survive without my lovely iced tea (average 3 – 4 glasses consumption per day), nyonya kuih, economy fried bihun, instant noodle and sushi. I strongly believe as long as I put in extra effort for work-out, I still able to see good results. I had started my crazy way of work-out and my highest records in HIIT training was 9 classes per week, the highest records per day was 3 lessons. I had tried this more than 1.5 months but the outcome was not up to expectation. Then I start trying for diet control under Melvin diet guideline. In the initial stage, I felt this was “non human being” diet plan, so boring and so tasteless. But I had told myself, I must continue it because I want to see results within 1 year. I set my own clear mind that no matter how tough, I must continue because without pushing and trying, dream can never come true. I have started to prepare own meal boxed for lunch and dinner, snapping photos and sending to Melvin for comment and guidance till today. He has been so patient to help us in reviewing our daily diet, giving us positive and negative comments for our improvement. For the past 7 months, I have been grown from a lazy guy who rarely went to market and never cook to a creative guy in cooking…..sorry I don’t use a word of “skillful” because there’s a big room of improvement in my cooking skill. However, at least, now my lunch and dinner box not just boiled eggs and boiled chicken breast with raw salad veggie. I know how to make my lunch and dinner box more interesting, nice and colourful in order for me to have a very enjoy meals.
“Discipline” – When Melvin first shared with me the diet plan for 5 meals a day, my first thinking was “impossible” especially my job nature required me to have frequent weekly outstation travelling which was impossible for me to comply. Moreover, I always need to attend a lot of lunch and dinner appointments with various type of attractive cuisines. In the initial stage of applying the diet plan, I had been so suffer in view of physically and mentally. From physical perspective, I had to wake up extra ordinary early to prepare my meal boxes which is so much tiring for me. From mentally point of view, I have to “sacrifice” or “let go” a lot of nice and FREE cuisines. Besides, people will look at me as an odd human, bring own meal box for entertainment appointment. I had to set my own strong discipline to overcome all these even people surrounding me throwing a lot of negative input. Without strong discipline, this can never long lasting. After few months of implementation, I have got use with this and people surrounding me stop their comment as they know well, their comment no longer having any influence towards me. Most important, results proofing to them that this is worked and effective.
“Passion” – After having diet control and balancing work-out, the results has been so much promising in next few months which gave me a lot of motivation. However, on and off, I had been so up-set or emotional when my body fat (BF) and visceral fat (VF) increased from previous measured results. The most significant 2 times were in Apr and June. My BF and WF up-shot tremendously in Apr due to having a lot of farewell meals with my team, superiors, customers and suppliers as I was leaving my former employment which I had been working for 19 years. I was so much down after getting know my measured results was moving backwards. I had made so much bothering to Melvin to review my diet plan and to define the root causes. Whereby in June, I had participate in Garmin half marathon which I was having a wrong perception of carbo-loading before marathon run. I thought all my carbo-loading can be “contra-off” in my run. I had taken a lot of carbo 2 days ahead of the event and the most killing part was the 2 bowl of spaghetti be taken in a night before the event. Finally my BF shot-up 1.5kgs right after the running measurement. I was so much emotional at that moment that my many weeks effort be sacrificed because of 1 wrong eat event. Finally after my evaluation and self-assessment, I found up-set or emotional will not be the best solution but we have to think forward how to make recovery instead of keep standing and crying. From there, I ordered my own oven to tighten up my diet and having more jogging to burn the BF in soonest manner. From these 2 lessons, I had learnt that I have to keep myself passion and self-motivated even facing what-so-ever challenges or obstacles. Mandarin word having a meaningful wording “wake up from where you felt down”.
“Positive” – Apart from “passion”, we need to be a very positive thinker in driving our goal. For the latest 4 months, my BF, VF keep dropping in positive trend and body age keep improving, best records went to 24 years old whereby my actual age is 43 this year. I don’t mean to show off but
let me share some in-sight info behind the out-shine story. I found my EQ become worse and worse, I had released my hot temper un-intentionally whenever there’s something not up to my desired. Example, I had scolded a waitress seriously in a restaurant as she had responded back to me that my ordered food was not in stock. I had made her in such embarrassing situation. Used to be I am very famous with my patience and nice EQ but it is no longer seen now. I have started to search around the articles what gone wrong with me and meeting few doctors for advice including Chinese sensei. Conclusion I found :
* Having minor depressed due to too much tight control and desperate for results
* BF is a key element for hormone generating, once BF low, the hormone generating will be impacted and caused people in bad emotion.
Knowing the situation, I have to caution myself to learn “balancing” and “positive” – Getting results with positive thinking instead of too much pushy to ourselves. Chinese sensei, Desmond gives the best statement to me “doing exercise is meant for releasing tension instead of creating tension”. I have to always caution myself to be relax with continuing striving for good results in slightly longer time, instead of pushing best results in shortest manner. “Balancing” is such important in our life, another incident also make me fully aware this fact. In some weeks, some BF had been bounced back, I had tried to increased my work-out and reduced my foods in-take as I was believing “eat less, work more will become slim and fit” but results proofing my concept was wrong. My BF not be reduced by increased with this wrong concept. I had brain-storm discussion with Melvin and he had pointed out my wrong perception. He stressed to me that eat less is not the correct way for fitness, “control diet” doesn’t mean to eat less but to eat “proper” in term of foods selection and portion then we can see the best results reflecting on our body shape and stamina. “Positive” also carrying the meaning to us that we should never over-happy or satisfy with our achieved results. Once our goal achieved, we should further up-grade our target to become higher and shall never tell ourselves it’s impossible. We have to always positive with our own effort but on the other hand, we need to search for a balancing point to minimize the negative impact as much as possible. For example, I had managed to reduce my BF from 19.4% @ 14.2kgs (my first measured BF in my first lesson) 11.3% @ 7.0kgs on 30 Jul, my photo snapping day but I never satisfied with this results. I continue driving myself for another peak of success and finally I managed to have a good Merdeka day results that my BF dropped to 8.2% @ 5kgs, VF reduced from 7.5 (first measurement) dropped to 3.0. My next target is to maintain this level of BF and VF by increasing my muscle level as a lot of persons comment I am too THIN!!! But in actual fact, I am 8.2kgs under-weight with my height 178cm. I want to upgrade myself to have healthy outlook with muscular fit body!!!! In nutshell, my next clear GOALS are :
* EQ improvement
* Muscle building
* 2 upcoming Ultra-runs : Penang @ 84km and Cameron @ 50km
* Sustaining current level of BF, VF and body age.
Last but not least, I would like to take this chance to thank few persons because without them, I can never achieve today fitness results :
To Melvin – Without your guidance and support, I will not able to take such a long way for 8 months to have today results. The most impressing me is you have sacrifice your own personal time to give Sun morning outdoor training to us in preparing the Powerman competition, this training really give a lot of physical improvement to me especially running under hot sun and running all the way from Straits-Quay to Pearl Hill. Your thinking is so much positive to drive me that I can never give up. Your best word always in my mind “you folks working out the best results is for yourself but not for me”, this is a 101% true statement!!!!
To my mum – You have supporting me a lot by helping preparing my lunch and dinner box, giving advice to my cooking skill and the best is you had been my “bad EQ releasing object”. Sorry and thanks mum!!!!
To my HIIT team – May Choo, Jason, Jerlyn, Peck Chin, Naomi, Dan, Lim, we all having a lot of funs on Sat 12.30pm training session. Every of our classes had been completed with full of laughs and motivation. The best thing is we are having “after class makan-makan” session, this is the best session to reward ourselves after 1 week effort and all of us make use of this session to review our results, discussion for post mortem and exchange opinion in how to have further improvement. I have been so enjoy to have work-out in this atmosphere. Every week I am looking forward to attend my Sat class.
To Dr. Desmond – You have been so caring and thoughtful to give me advice in term of health medication and become my personal listener. With your support and guidance, I able to realize my own problem and having improvement in my health before turning into worst."

" 回顾过去几个月的改变: 老实说,当初我只是抱着凑凑热闹的态度,因为要凑人数,就试试吧!因为自持一向以来都有运动,所以对HIIT有点不以为然。 然而,这改变是非常明显的。对比几个月前的照片,让我不禁冒冷汗,庆幸当初有踏出这一步。 之前的我对于体脂肪,内脏脂肪指数,肌肉量等是毫无概念的。胖或瘦就是体重,最多算BMI。对我来说,最重大的改变是养成了健康正确的饮食习惯。强健的体魄为首要,瘦下来还是其次。当然,未来还有很长的路要走。 可以成功甩掉几公斤的肥油, Melvin的悉心指导当然功不可没,然而也不能忘了和我一起学习,一起成长,互相鼓励,努力甩油,向目标前进的盟友们,感恩有你! "

"Growing up I was never comfortable in my own skin and appearance. I always thought I was fat and ugly. I always hated my bulky legs and big butt.
Back in my school days, due to my body size I has limited opportunities to perform myself on stage and sports. I always thought that being super skinny would make me happy and more chances of exposure. So I decided to set my own target to lose weight by own strict regime by eat way less and run way more.
When time goes by, the result didn’t meet up my expectation. I used many methods to get skinny by signed up various slimming courses, bought countless exercise machines which all ended up sitting in the corner gathering dust.
There was a time I had gone through a very unhealthy strict diet for weeks. No doubt my weight dropped tremendously, the changes of my appearance was obvious but the complexion scared many. It also affected my health.
From the countless failed attempt, I didn’t give up to find ways to look better. I keep on tried and failed. Until one day I finally got up and said ’Ok, I’m going to do this now. I no longer set a date ahead of time, just knowing it was time. I started running, yoga, hiking and Zumba whenever I have spares time. The results proven the progress nothing is easy. Like people said no pain no gain. As I started to feel the effects of the weight loss, I got obsessed. I’d weigh and look into the mirror every day.
Having own training needs a lot of mentally and discipline challenged. When the time goes by, I couldn’t see any progress until I got to know HIIT360 and trainer@ sifu Melvin through a yoga mate. With the consistency of the training, I could see the changes on my physical and strength. Not only physically improvement, my living lifestyle becomes a challenging part too. Also ever since I take up this workout, many people think this is the craziest decision I’d ever did. There was a non-supportive words from the surrounding. Many might think to change the outlook is not easy. To me, I have no worries because ‘Let Melvin Handle It’ When there was ups and downs at time, with the positive encouragement from sifu, I managed to overcome all of the obstacles and negative thoughts. No doubt to achieve a better me is not easy. From time to time, I learnt the meaning of ‘Perseverance is the key to successes. ‘
Furthermore, sifu is not only a good mentor, he is also a good advisor and friend in leading us to a healthy no skipped meal diet lifestyle. He put a lot of effort in educating us to live better. He also possess a selfless character that sacrificing his personal time for us, train and advise us whenever he can. Without his time and effort to provide us an extra training, I wouldn’t completed my very 1st duathlon well above my expectation. Also, with his consistent training and never give up slogan, I finally achieved my very 1st half marathon. Well, again the result is above my expectation. I would like to take this opportunities to express my appreciation towards sifu Melvin. Without his supervision and encouragement, I wouldn’t have the fittest me throughout my fitness journey. Thanks to him and HIIT360 that given me the confidence and feels comfortable in my own that something that I never had in the past."

"It's pretty interesting when i revealed back how i started my fitness journey. Well, the main reason and motivation actually comes from the urge to change my physical appearance as I'm getting fat and having a weak immune system. I deeply knew that the contribution of both my main concerns are solely due to the unhealthy lifestyle. Besides, I did realised that going to the gym and exercising has becoming a trend among the youngsters. So, I told myself why not give it a try and hence I decided to join HIIT360 personal training program. To be honest, nothing in this world is easy as the proverb "no pain no gain". In the beginning of this program, I tried pretty hard to adapt as it was very tough. But, I believe in myself and the will power in me asked me to keeping going and try harder. After much hard work and looking at the results and improvements, it made me feel that everything was worth it despite of the hard times. I could say that I'm proud of myself as I did not gave up half way through. A lot of people out there might think that getting into great shape is very complicated and rather a "mission impossible". But relax guys, its actually a pretty simple process. What you need to do is get yourself ready and let Melvin handle it.
Throughout my fitness journey, i endure with difficulties ranging from physical obstacles and some emotional aspects. But, I never thought of giving up because I wanted to achieve my goals I set. Now, I'm fitter than before and my stamina and endurance improved tremendously. The best result from the whole fitness journey is to gain back my health and to stay in great shape. My trainer, Melvin did his job well by looking into all aspects, ranging from conducting training and educating in eating a healthy diet. He offered a long term approach to weight loss. It is practical, healthy and eventually leads to a permanent lifestyle change. Melvin is a responsible and dedicated trainer. He put in a lot of effort and patient in guiding me in achieving my goals. I would like to express my gratitude towards Melvin. Without his guidance and encouragement, I would not have came all the way till today. Because of him and HIIT360 program, I could have the chance to see a fitter and confidence me."

Hui Ying
"It's all started with "Why am I gaining so much weight after I stopped breastfeeding?" Looking at the weighing scale, 1 week increased few kilos. It was really horrifying. People often said postpartum weight gain is perfectly normal and alright. Also people telling me there is no way to reduce those stubborn fats after giving birth. I think this concept is totally a no-no. A proper meals, guidance and planned workout from a well trained PT is very very important in helping in this journey.
What I remember from the beginning was muscle soreness, difficulties in doing the designed workout and stagnant weighs. But as time goes by, I gained stamina, strength, lower amount of fats, knowledge of eating clean and healthier lifestyle. It's not only personal effort. It's also the encouragement and reminders from my personal trainer, Melvin. I know I couldn't make it myself. Okay, this is only stage 1, I know I'm on a right path and there is no short cut. Have faith and continue doing it, I look forward to seeing a new me."

Joshua Chin
"Like many others, I was apprehensive when I first started my fitness journey with Fit One. 22 months later, I stand corrected. The RESULTS were amazing! Before Fit One, I was struggling with the balance between work and staying healthy. Every Sunday I'll go for my routine jog to keep fit and thanks to a healthy upbringing, I managed to keep a disciplined diet. However, as my work hours became more demanding, I realized there were times when I would easily lose focus as I become mentally fatigued. When I catch a cold or the flu, it would take me a long period to recover. My routine jogs were not yielding the RESULTS that I was expecting.
The RESULTS were almost immediate after my first few HIIT sessions with my dedicated personal trainer, Melvin. Through his intensive and effective work out routines, I managed to improve my fitness level simply by targeting the right core muscles in my body. What I like most about the routines are the usage of my own body weight as resistance. This is most justified as every individual weigh differently. As Melvin monitors our progress meticulously, he also provides nutritional tips from time to time as having a balanced diet is every bit as vital in our fitness goal. By eliminating deep fried snacks and sweet indulgences from my diet while diligently working out to his routines, the RESULTS were apparent. These days, I am less dampened by mental fatigue at work. I could do heavy liftings and daily activities tirelessly as my core muscles take shape. I was under the assumption that I was healthy before this but the RESULTS don't lie. My BMI is back to a healthy level upon losing 10.6kg of body fat since I started. As I shed my stubborn teenage fats, clothes would now fit better and my confidence level has tremendously improved. Nevertheless, as a perfectionist in life, I am no where near the fitness level where I would like to be. In life we should not settle for complacency. Humans are designed to be stretched. For now, I would celebrate how far I've progressed physically, mentally and spiritually. But the fitness journey goes on with Fit One as RESULTS are Melvin's main focus. Stay tuned!"

"I’m used to be branded as the ‘Food dustbin’ as I accept wide range of food, can eat a lot and clean up the balance of dish but with less exercise. I ignore changes on my body shape that slowly getting up sized until after a body check-up and the doctor said “Young man, you better do something now to minimize the symptoms.” Guess what, I’ve awarded myself fatty liver, uric acid and high blood pressure due to my life style. Immediately, I search for the counter measure or solutions and increase my exercise volume but the result turns out not so ideal that makes me become desperate, impatience and looking for short cut. Fortunately a day on Facebook, the word ‘FiT One’ and ‘HIIT360’ caught my attention. After a trial class, I subscribe to the HIIT360 training until now.
Along the journey, it begin with a challenging training for me as my muscle are weak but with the proper diet plan and exercise shared by our trainer Melvin who inspire and motivate me all the time, I made it through! In the training we are being taught how to exercise with the correct posture from injuring ourselves and improve from a level to a higher level. I’m very happy that can see the improvement of my body strength, stamina and mental from time to time. I manage to cut down my weight, shape my body become more muscular and building better self-confidence. Now I can share my results to the people around me that used to doubt on me, this is not an Aladdin tricks that you wished and will get in a blink. It is about how bad you want it and how you make yourself get it then Melvin will help you to achieve it. The efforts won’t just end here as it is a long term challenge for us how to keep ourselves healthy and declare war on fats in our body."

"My journey to fitness began when I came across Fit One and I eagerly enrolled in the HIIT360 program, not knowing what I am getting myself into but being stubborn as usual I took the challenge. At the beginning I found it to hard, you can name it all the aches I had it. But I told myself no quitting and motivation given by Melvin, he was full of encouragement I moved on day by day pushing myself not to give up believing that I can do it good enough and surely enough I finally overcame the pain barrier.
Even during the trail period, it was a killer and I barely move but I persevered and carried on. Soon after months into HIIT360 program, I began to see transformation to my physics and stamina I was trilled of my achievements. The best part of my training was my group. We bonded well with each of us motivating one another. Not only we built a team work same time a friendship. Once Melvin told me "Strong is the new sexy" as one must be strong. Melvin not only trains but he goes an extra miles in making sure we learn the knowledge of being and staying healthy. Nevertheless, achieving our goal and dream we have towards fitness.
The moment of truth came when I shed 11.4kg and losing 8.8kg of body fats in blistering 8 months. I am blessed not only being introduced to HIIT360 and the leadership of Melvin that has motivated me thus enhancing myself confidence even more. Knowledge is never enough, I am learning to progress in order to maintain my level of fitness and am ready to do more. I wish to thank Melvin for his work and dedication, without his constant reminder I doubt I will ever had achieved what I have done today. Very grateful and thank you. If I can do it, anyone can do it too just believe and keep an open mindset towards positivity."

"Since small, I enjoyed eating and I love food. After started working, fried chicken, french fries, cola, hamburgers, nasi kandar ..... etc became a weekly routine eating meals that cannot be a missed. As food-lover, I never resist all the temptation food, weight started increased almost up to 120kg at one time. I still continue to lie myself it doesn’t matter, I still can find and buy clothes of my size. I have been living in a very good sense of self world, which always thought I am not fat! Age getting older, body health started giving warning!! Uric acid and high cholesterol hit beyond normal range. Arms and legs always cramp during midnight, signal of elderly pain started hitting my body. I used to diet with many ways in all kind of diet plans did not worked for me at all. Then slowly I resume back eating and no longer dieting. Lazy to exercise and not control diet causing weight increase.
It was not an easy and smooth journey when I joined HIIT360 1 year ago. Beginning, my body was hard to adapt and adopt plus adjusting the diet plan. I was not used to the change in diet, quit sugary drinks, fried foods, processed foods, refined amyloid, get rid of supper, cutting less oil less salt diet, plus small portion in meals. It makes me really want to give up at first. After few months of hard work with commitment, the body's muscles and lines slowly emerge. Confidence gradually increased. Increase muscle reduced fat is full length of the road, there is no any short cut get miracle.
Thanks to B Bee Chuah for recommended me HIIT360 program and under the supervision by Melvin thru out 1 year journey, finally I lost 10.5kg of total body fat. My aging symptom and pain were disappeared. I have found my health back is the best gift for 2016. I will keep on going for further improvement."

"Personally when I first started joining the HIIT360 personal training, my goal wasn’t to lose a lot of weight or to get those abs. I didn’t really had a big goal, all I wanted was to strengthen my body. Somebody once told me that I had “arms like a man”, which if you could read between lines, they were trying to say that I was “flabby”. So, when I started attending class, I lost weight. My muscles and endurance level also started to increase slowly. People who were close to me started telling me that I had lost a lot of weight and look a lot different.
Besides that, because of my increase in stamina, I even got a chance to sign up and complete my first ever duathlon in my whole life. Honestly, I’m glad that I made the decision to join HIIT360. Even though the training was tough and I had to change my bad eating habits, the results that I had achieved so far makes me feel very accomplished of myself. I am now stronger, more active and more motivated in life."

"I started off the exercise with a simple goal to reduce weight and to be slim. Yes, I managed to reduce my weight through high volume of cardio exercise and starving myself. I did not realize I had actually sacrificed my health to achieve this goal just to slim down. I ignored advice from my family and friends to review my daily diet and workout plan. I spent even more hours in gym and running wishing to achieve my second goal - to improve my sport performance. Long hours of unstructured workout in gym did not see any significant improvement.
There is no progress in my second goal until Melvin introduces me a program called HIIT360. It was hard to follow in the beginning. It took me quite some time to follow and get used to his workout program. He always tells us that there is no short cut and we must be consistent on the workout . I improved my sports performance gradually without realizing it. Other than this great workout plan, eat clean and eat healthy is also part of the challenge for me. He is always there to remind us to eat right and not by eating less. As a result of this great workout plan and proper nutrition intake, I regain my health, better performance in sports, and also shape up my body, I have finally achieved a brand new me."

Milo (Stage 1)
"When I first tried out personal training, it was just for fun as my friend was one of their HIIT360 member, never thought that I will fully get into it after only few trials. I was rather chubby and full of cellulite and never really care about what I eat all the while. Anything that is tasty goes into my stomach. With their trainer Melvin, I have learned the right way of eating, how to lose excessive body fat and visceral fat, how to build up muscle at the right place. The guidance from Melvin is just marvelous. He will monitor my food intake daily and measure my progress very constantly. I was rather under pressure due to such close monitoring and was anxious when approaching the workout day, worry if I have done enough to meet the set target.
However, after a while, all these anxiety soon turns into motivation and I have found myself to be so much self disciplined and confident when I see changes to my own body. My muscle toning has improved so much and my stamina has been built up tremendously. My eating habit has turned from various junked food to a well-balanced healthy diet. My daily bowel movement has never been so regular without me needing to drink or eat anything in the morning before I will have the urge to go to the toilet.
The whole personal training process has changed my life remarkably. The end result is just amazing."

Milo (Stage 2)
"10 months down the road after completing the stage-1, the muscle toning result of my body is even more remarkable. I have never felt healthier and junk food is totally out of my daily diet, and I have learned to enjoy original, clean food which used to be last in my menu list. Best of all, I can now perform many movements which were beyond my reach previously due to my sciatica problem.
The tailored made program has now enable me to engage in long distance running without fail. Last but not least, my greatest gratitude to the crazy bunch in this program and my awesome trainer, Melvin, for being such a great motivator and mentor.
My quest to achieve a lean and healthy body continues……."

Sky Chin
"I once dreamt about having a lean tummy with 6-pack shaped on my stomach. So for two years, I’ve spent long hours in the gym but I fail to see any significant change in result and my weight just maintained the same. Envy came in whenever I come across a model post on Facebook but I keep on telling myself that it is really difficult to slim down and I don’t have the time and knowledge to achieve that. One excuse after another until I came across HIIT360 program through Facebook which is like the best thing that happened. After months of contemplation about enrolling into HIIT’s program, I finally challenged myself to sign up.
During the first few weeks of HIIT program, the thought of giving up is never far from my mind as it was not easy and sometimes I felt nauseated from all the workout. However, thanks to positive influence by having the right people with the right attitude around me, I was able to push forward and kept on reminding myself “there is no easy way out”. The workout was so extensive that I was even having a hard time holding on to the steering wheel to drive myself home and muscle soreness would overcome me the next day. It has only been 3 months since I joined the HIIT360 program and I lost FOUR-kilo of body fat! I could hardly believe that my visceral fat dropped from 3.5 to 2.0 but more importantly throughout the program, I felt much more energetic and healthier. Besides that, my stamina, strength and agility have improved as well. All these came with hard work because it was really tiring and tough at first but I became more motivated along the way as I begin to see improvement in my body.
Then, I would have to give credit to Melvin who’s my trainer who put in a tremendous amount of effort and patience in guiding me on various aspects from my diet to my exercise regime. He also encouraged us to prepare our own meal instead of forcing us to eat certain food or abstain from others. He is always there to guide and teach us about the right nutrients and portions which we could partake daily and always emphasizes that “There is no shortcut”. Everyone in the HIIT program played an important role in my journey to arrive at 6-packs as we all share the same goal and have fun together doing so. They are like family to me now."

"I have tried many diet plans and workouts but nothing seemed to help me reach my personal goal to LOSE WEIGHT and STAY FIT. So, I decided to take up personal training from FIT ONE after seeing successful results from my friend. For the first time, I was introduced to a PROPER Nutrition Plan which was a great success for me. Now I realized I have not being eating the right food and right portion at the right time. From the nutrition plan coupled with the training and guidance given by my trainer, Melvin, I have achieved great results. I not only lost weight but also gained stamina and increased endurance. My muscles have strengthened, flexibility increased, balance improved, with body fats loss.
I am now more confident and have achieved greater goals like running, hiking and long distance cycling. This training has made me stronger and more energized and of course, one important factor is injury free!"

Min Kar
"I have difficult time motivating myself to workout on my own. I stopped working out regularly about three months ago and have been slowly gaining weight, so I decided to begin working out and change my diet. I chose personal training because it is the superb for those who want a full body workout in the least amount of time, helps avoid injuries and builds the muscle often ignored by traditional strength training regimens. Besides that, I have learnt a better understanding on the right foods to eat and the methods of cooking the foods from it. Last but not least, the result I have achieved to date are largely due to the perfect combination of diverse training methods, individualized exercise programs and challenging yet achievable goal setting. Fit One personal training provides the perfect scenario for success and sets foundations for a new healthier lifestyle!"

CC Chong
"As an active and athletic person, I have always been keen about activities to boost my health. So two years ago, I started my participation in Bootcamp at the body weight of EIGHTY NINE-kilo. The boot camp was supplementary to improve my fitness and strength, while I did not control my food intake - eating without a care in the world. But after awhile, I was getting more ambitious with my health goals. I wanted to gain better control over it and was eager to move up to a more challenging workout routine. That was when Melvin introduced HIIT360 Personal Training program to me. By then, I had nothing to lose and was excited to try, so I decided to take up on his advice and recommendation by joining the group PT in July 2014.
The HIIT360 PT program was unlike the Bootcamp. The one hour training was concentrated and was hitting my body in every angle, inviting muscle soreness to places where I didn't know could possibly hurt. But after several months of training, I noticed I was handling the training better and had assimilated the benefits. It consisted of diversified, yet personalized methods.The training thoroughly develops strength in motion in just a short matter of time, hence 360. I had indeed become stronger and fitter. Melvin, my dedicated trainer, has closely guided me during training hours and even off the training ground. He advised and reminded me constantly on consuming original, clean, pure and organic food. His insight on nutrition has shown me the effectiveness of eating correctly. Since then, I¹ve cut off junk food from my menu. The combination of eating right together with the training has resulted in the new me, SIXTEEN-kilo lighter. The new me has a slender and stronger body, which I couldn't envision and imagine two years ago. I am thrilled to have met the new me, and I look forward to keeping the new me. This training program has effectively improved my lifestyle and health."

KH Lim
BootCamp Meltdown
Real People Real Result!! Sharing here stage-1 body transformation result of our client ...it's never too late to recondition back your body ...you just got to EARN it with hard work & commitment. Take note that we DON'T endorse any meal supplement/extreme diet plan to achieve result. We offer one of a kind INDOOR bootcamp concept in Penang as most of it are done outdoor. Working out in a climate controlled facility eliminates any concerns about the weather.

Yu Zhen
"For me, I am not struggling to lose weight, but the main aim is to tone up the body and at the same time increase my stamina and fitness level. I started to search for an alternative and I came across with HIIT360 group PT. This is the first time I engage to a proper training whereby it is totally different from the ordinary gym training. All of my progress is under a tight supervision with customize training, this at least keep me on track and enable me to even push further my fitness to another level up.
Besides training program, my trainer Melvin also guided me on the nutrition knowledge. No doubt the workout is crucial, but the result even more significant if we can implement a healthier food habits into our lifestyle. I am so in love into this training program as it takes least time to get a total body workout plus great effective results in fitness and endurance. With this HIIT360 program,I see the positive changes in myself and I feel great."

Making healthier choices will not only reduce your risk for chronic disease, but will also make you feel better and improve your overall quality of life. It's not easy to make a major lifestyle change. It takes time to form new habits. By understanding the stages of change, starting small and setting realistic goals, you can learn to make healthier choices and in the process, reduce your risk for chronic disease.We at Fit One do not condone unhealthy lifestyle habit be it mentally nor physically to our members and deemed to up hold as a true fitness solution provider. A Chinese physician by profession let's hear his side of the story.
"Having a balance life is always what I keep learning. Besides working, family, entertainment and etc, the most important thing in our life is Health. When I see my friends with age whose suffering in diabetic, obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, leading me to think about the hardest achievement with a certain age is Health level. In my sister’s recommendation I joined Fit One and Melvin be my Personal trainer, started from that moment, I was given a chance to know my own body. He guides me the proper way to workout, avoid the injury on muscle and joints, in additional, he is just like a nutritionist who consult me in food and nutrition taking. I have been joining HIIT360 around 2 years now, but instead I feel this is just the beginning, I believed the longer we could adhere with it, the better that we could achieve. HIIT360 is the combination of Health, Exercise and Fun."